Wanigil Theatre Group Profiles

Linda Kamit – Hi there everyone. My name is Linda Kamit and I am currently employed with Education Milne Bay Ltd as a Training and Administration assistant. I am 27 years old and married with 3 children, and I come from both the Milne Bay Province and Central Province in Papua New Guinea. I am one of the nine MDI core group members being introduced to you all.
I for one have never had a previous experience in drama and theatre performances so when the flyers went up for auditions, I thought to just try out for the fun of it. Well, I attended the auditions that were being conducted by my two co-workers Maxine Nadile and Jane McKenzie, tried out and guess what? I was one of the finalists that got through with flying colors. Isn’t that great!!!! I didn’t know I had potential in acting and have no regrets about joining the drama group. I have learnt so many new things from our drama co-ordinator (Jane McKenzie). She is a marvel and a fantastic person to work with. It is not only work, work, work, but great fun to be with the group. I am so proud and happy to be part of this.

Terence Collin – Terence is 31 years of age and lives at Giligili, West Gurney, in Alotau. He is married with 4 children; and enjoys sharing jokes and stories. He is also very active and plays sports such as soccer, volleyball and rugby league. Terence enjoys meeting new people, which he has been able to do through the MDI Radio Drama project.
He became involved in the project in order to learn from others, and to gain and improve his drama skills. It also provides a way for him to gain a broader idea of better standards of life, and how to teach others about these.

Andrew Tari – Hello, my name is Andrew Tari and I am 31 years of age. I come from Sepik and at the moment I am staying with my parents at Giligili, West Gurney, in Alotau. I got married to a girl from Kiriwina and we have one child.
I’m very interested in Education Milne Bay’s MDI (Media Development Initiative) Radio Drama project because it’s great, it’s fantastic. This project also brought my thoughts to the idea that this will benefit my future for the years to come. The workshops give me a goal to aim for and work towards. The 6 x 30 minutes radio drama play will be completed in March 2007; addressing key community related issues, such as HIV/AIDS, domestic violence and good governance.
The radio play will be aired on Radio Milne Bay and other national radio stations for the purpose of informing our communities, especially in the rural areas of Milne Bay and possibly around the rest of the country.
That’s all. Thank you, Andrew

Leanne Wilson – Leanne is 29 years of age, and grew up on Fergusson Island, in the Milne Bay Province. She is Catholic, and married with 4 children, and now lives at Giligili, West Gurney, in Alotau.
Leanne enjoys creating stories and plays and became involved in the group to gain and develop more drama skills. She also enjoys the opportunity to get out of the house, and to fill her day with more than housekeeping.
This project presents an opportunity for her to share ideas with those that lack education, and provides a way to help and support those in the community that are working to overcome their problems. She also views it as a way to gain more knowledge and maintain a better family lifestyle.

Rose Ila - Hi, I’m Rose Ila. My date of birth is 09/05/79. I’m very proud to be a member of The Bay Today (MDI Radio Drama project), because I like acting. I started acting in drama plays when I was in school, and the biggest drama play I performed in was the Passion Play, which is the Cruxification of our Lord.
There are two things that motivated me to take part in this radio drama programme. Firstly I always believe that I had the talent, so I’d like to prove myself and also to improve and build my talent (if there is one).
Secondly I’d like to pass on information about HIV/AIDS, domestic violence and good governance to the people of Milne Bay, and PNG as a whole.

Robin Noel – Robin is 31 years old, and is married with one child. He is from Kiriwina, where he attended school to Grade 10. He has had varied life experiences working in security, as a librarian, and also being on the organising committee of the Milne Bay Canoe Festival. Robin also enjoys reading, short story writing, teaching religious education with the United Church, being a Boy Scouts leader and vegetable gardening.
The MDI Radio Drama project is a way for Robin to gain confidence among other members of the group, the public, and with anyone from any walk of life. He enjoys the interesting, fun and loving atmosphere created within the group, and is looking forward to future experiences and performances with them.

John Napoleon - John has been involved in theatre for many years. He has run his own groups, including Weimar Theatre, and Milne Bay Theatre groups, and been involved in touring productions. Much of John’s more recent work has been with the Provincial AIDS Council, where he has helped in educating the community about HIV/AIDS. He has done this through drama and chairing discussions in villages and settlements. As one of the most experienced members of the group John is able to share insights with the group, as well as learning new skills to add to his repertoire.

Gerry Philip - Gerry comes from Weimar village, where he was involved with the Weimar Theatre Group in the past. Gerry relates much of his life to theatre, and enjoys expressing himself through drama, especially mime. He is enjoying the opportunity to learn new skills, and of being involved in a theatrical group again.

Jane McKenzie – Jane is an Australian volunteer working as a community arts development co-ordinator with Education Milne Bay. Her role in this group is that of co-coordinator, along with Maxine Nadile.
Jane has spent much of the last decade learning about the many aspects of theatre, and developing dramatic and technical skills through her involvement in over 45 productions. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre, Film and English; and a Diploma of Education in Drama and English. Not only has she performed in many productions, but has also worked as a stage manager, lighting designer/operator and director.
This project offers her the unique opportunity of being able to pass on her skills, thus empowering the group to educate the general community. By using radio as the medium the Wanigili Theatre members will be able to transfer important information to those in the furthest reaches of the province (and perhaps the country).
Maxine Nadile- Maxine is from Milne Bay Province, she is the Operations Manager at Education Milne Bay and has been with the company for almost 2 years. She has a background in tourism & hospitality and radio communications, having worked for PNG FM (Nau Fm & Yumi Fm) for 6 years in the areas of sales & marketing, copywriting, production and announcing. Maxine has a keen interest in promoting community related issues particularly those involving women & children. Possessing a creative streak, her primary role in this project is to assist and support Jane throughout the creative production process in order to achieve the set objectives.
Maxine is thrilled to be a part of this project and especially to work alongside Jane, whose skills & expertise have been invaluable. She sees this project as a stepping stone to bigger and better things. “The opportunity to be involved in a project of this nature & scale is rare. But Thanks to MDI, we are able to do this. One of the most rewarding aspects of this project for me is watching each of the team members develop their confidence and self esteem through the numerous drama skills they’ve learned from Jane.
They have learned so much in these past three months and what they’ve learned they will in turn take to their own communities to share with others.”